Dissertations and Theses

Date of Award


Document Type




First Advisor

Ann Marie Yali


Autism Spectrum Disorder, character strengths, Positive Psychology, Applied Behavior Analysis, client progress


Diagnoses of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have continued to rise. Individuals diagnosed with ASD may display a range of deficits in social communication, behaviors, and symptoms that limit everyday functioning. Among the treatments for ASD, Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is typically the earliest and longest intervention individuals with ASD are exposed to. Concerns have been raised over ABA being a compliance-based therapy which potentially produces prompt reliance, reinforcement dependency, and a lack of intrinsic motivation. In an attempt to address these concerns, this study aimed to assess the potential benefits of including the concept of character strengths from the field of positive psychology in the way treatment is delivered to clients. Participants in this study consisted of individuals employed as Behavior Technicians (BTs) who deliver ABA services to clients with ASD. Twenty-five BTs completed a survey in which they indicated their top character strengths, how often they feel they utilize their strengths with their client, and the perceived progress of their clients as well as job satisfaction. BT’s use of character strengths during client sessions was found to be associated with a decrease in maladaptive behaviors, but not a reduction in prompts or an increase in skill generalization or job satisfaction. The results of this study are discussed as to how the use of strengths by BTs may be a tool to provide enhanced care to clients in order to combat the negative outcomes of ABA that are currently coming to light. Additionally, the limitations and future directions for this study are discussed including a small sample size which reduces power and how future research may benefit from including strength-based interventions or a longitudinal design.



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