Dissertations and Theses

Date of Award


Document Type




First Advisor

Dr. Steve Tuber

Second Advisor

Dr. Diana Punales

Third Advisor

Dr. Henry Kronengold


Parents, psychodynamic, child, psychotherapy, experiences


A Qualitative Exploration of Psychodynamic Therapist's Experiences of Working with Parents in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy.


Clair Siegman, MA

Advisor: Steve Tuber, PhD

The aim of this study was to identify how therapists incorporate parent-work into their practices and explore the experiences related to this. The literature on engaging parents during child treatment suggests that it is a central to improving outcomes. Research about the treatment alliance that develops between the therapist and parent is limited, especially when considering the therapist perspective. Literature within the psychodynamic and psychoanalytic fields, suggests therapists have a hesitance to working with parents either guided by historical theoretical arguments or a general dislike for the challenging and complicated nature of the work. The current research utilized a phenomenological approach to examine the reflections of psychodynamic therapists. The findings endorsed the complicated nature of the work as well as identifying the professional and personal developmental of therapist’s experience of working with parents. The findings of the study could serve to inform clinical training and supervision of graduate students.



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