
Graduation Date

Fall 12-13-2023

Grading Professor

Alia Malek

Subject Concentration


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


On February 25th 2024, Senegalese voters will be heading to the polls to elect a new president. Often hailed as one of the most stable and transparent democracies in Africa, Senegal has seen a rise in political violence surrounding the sentencing of the main opposition leader Ousmane Sonko this year.

Link :

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Photo of protester at rally in Harlem

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Ousmane Tounkara and Ibrahima Dramé

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Protest on Times Square on Feb.25th 2023

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Protester at rally in Little Senegal in June

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Protester demands release of Sény Séne

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Ousmane Tounkara films protesters

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Portrait of Ibrahima Dramé

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Audio feature on Feb.25th protest in Times Square



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