Publications and Research

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 4-1-2024


Standard & Poor’s (S&P) Capital IQ NetAdvantage is an integrat- ed Web-based market intelligence platform. NetAdvantage offers global news, market analytics, counterparty analytics, fund analyt- ics, industry research, powerful screening tools, and people search capabilities, offered separately in many competitor products, un- der one platform using transparent and trusted industry-standard sources. Users can analyze the global business operating environ- ment with information on public markets and indices, basic in- formation on foreign exchange rates and interest rates, sovereign profiles, peer groups generated with S&P Capital IQ’s proprietary relevancy score, and detailed CFRA Industry Research Reports. The streamlined interface with mostly intuitive menus and links plus a free-text search bar make this platform more accessible than its more sophisticated counterparts. Limitations include lack of depth in some content areas, certain ADA compliance issues, and some clunky aspects of the search interface despite significant improvements over the years.

Available for download on Tuesday, February 11, 2025
