Open Educational Resources

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Publication Date

Spring 2020


For this assignment, you will be required to do two things. One: visit a specific place of your choice. It can be anywhere, on own your free time (either on the train, at a museum, a restaurant, at the movies with your friends, or even at your local cafe). There, you will jot down on a sheet of paper (NOT on your phone) a bullet point list of all the things you hear or see (conversations and observations). The point is to not have your phone in hand and to be completely observant of your surroundings. Two: then using the elements you noted, create a short story of your choice. And again, like the previous prompt, maybe try focusing on a specific scene or moment in time. You don’t have to focus on a giant arch, with a beginning, middle to end. Instead, focus on relevancy—why are you showing us this?

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