
Susan Stryker

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2009


Several things coincided to shape the space from which this lecture emerged. The first was an email from a list I'm on, soliciting creative, artistic responses to climate change. The second was a call for proposals for a symposium on "subversive imaginaries." The third, an ongoing conversation with a dancer friend about critical embodiment practices. Fourth, the tangle of thoughts sorting themselves out into various bits of prose and syllabi then being demanded by editors and administrators. Fifth, the backdrop of an historical presidential election soliciting us all to dwell upon "the fierce urgency of now." And finally, the call from Sarah Chinn at CLAGS letting me know I'd have the honor and opportunity to pull something together to to say tonight: when she asked me for a title, "Ghost Dances" is what popped out.


This article is an excerpt from the 17th Annual Kessler Lecture on Nov. 14, 2008.

This article was originally published in CLAGSNews, vol. 19, no. 3.



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