
Graduation Date

Winter 12-31-2015

Grading Professor

Fredrick Kaufman

Subject Concentration

Urban Reporting

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


For the majority of serious bodybuilders in the northeast region of the United States, their journey reached a critical stage on All Hallows Eve in Teaneck, New Jersey, a township bisected by the north and south portions of Route 4. Situated at such a crossroads, many important occasions have taken place at Teaneck’s slate-blue Marriott hotel, which lies just off 1-95 and is exactly 9.5 miles from Central Park in New York City. The hotel carries the perfect accommodations for many a momentous occasion and on this particular evening it hosted the 2015 National Physique Competition’s national qualifier round.

Audio or Video Files

Available for download on Wednesday, December 31, 2025
