Date of Award

Spring 5-17-2019

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Physics and Astronomy

First Advisor

Steve Greenbaum

Second Advisor

Phil Stallworth

Academic Program Adviser

Hyungsik Lim


As our daily use of electronics and electronic technology grows, so does the societal need for sustainable, renewable and portable electrical power. To this end, materials of interest in the electrochemical world are needed to advance the frontier of battery science and energy storage technologies so that a safer, more efficient and reliable electrical future can be realized. This work focuses on characterization of materials primarily of interest for use as electrolytes in rechargeable Lithium-Ion Batteries (LIBs). Despite their extraordinary power, LIB application in certain fields, such as in electric vehicles, has been limited due to performance and safety concerns. It is to overcome this barrier that the efforts of characterization studies such as this are needed, so that the next generation of batteries can perform reliably and safely in all applications. In this work the dynamics of a novel solid polymer electrolyte are discussed, and their disruptive implications on the battery industry. A system of Ionic Liquids (IL) which are candidate electrolyte solvents are examined using Fast Field Cycling (FFC) NMR. A deep eutectic solvent system of glycerol-d8 and a polar salt Choline Chloride is probed using High Pressure Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (HP-NMR) studies.



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