Date of Award

Summer 8-7-2020

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

Partha Deb

Second Advisor

Randall Filer

Academic Program Adviser

Partha Deb


Medicaid expansions were used to examine the effects of a surge in demand for primary care on the labor participation of registered nurses (RN) in outpatient settings relative to hospitals. Using difference-in-differences and two-way fixed effects with the American Community Survey Public Use Microdata Sample single-year 2010 through 2017 files, I find an increase in the probability of an RN working in an outpatient setting among (1) young, unmarried RNs with a maximum household income of 501 percent of the federal poverty level and (2) young unmarried RNs who have at least one child under age 6. These results are consistent with relatively high hospital turnover rates and strong labor force attachment among RNs in these demographic groups.



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