
Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)



First Advisor

Marcello Di Bello

Second Advisor

James Mahon

Third Advisor

Gary Schwartz


This paper is divided into four parts, Part I. Perpetuation of a Disparate System , Part II. Perpetual Marginalization , Part III. My Personal Research and Part IV. Moving Forward . Part I serves to show the pervasive racial disparities throughout the criminal justice system and how these disparities portray a system which discriminates primarily against poor men of color. Part II shows how this community is disadvantaged in various parts of their social, economic and political lives because of the extent of punitivity and criminalization. It explains the way these disadvantages translate to men of color being discriminated against on an even larger scale. Part III is a brief discussion of research which I personally conducted and how studies of this nature can contribute to future discourse and inquiries on the negative effects of the criminal justice system. Part IV is a conclusive chapter which also explains my main contentions and what I hoped to achieve in analyzing the penal system the way I did.



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