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Disability, Mobility, & Society is a newly developed assignment for a required level II physical therapy course (SCT 221). It is aimed to familiarize students with the psychosocial and socioeconomic challenges faced by people with physical disability/dysfunction and their immediate community. Students work in teams to develop multimedia pre-recorded video presentations based on actual clinical case studies. Each team will identify and discuss issues related to the specific pathology and impairment, and consider the medical/social/behavioral/financial implications for the individual and the society. The team must present a course of physical therapy intervention that illustrates clinical competence and professional standard of care. Students are encouraged to draw connections to their personal experiences as related to relevant local and/or national healthcare issues. The grading criteria for this assignment is based on the current Global Learning and Oral Communication rubrics.

LaGuardia’s Core Competencies and Communication Abilities

Main Course Learning Objectives:


  1. Reinforce effective and appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication with patient/client, the physical therapist, health care delivery personnel, and others.
  2. Reinforce individual and cultural differences in all aspects of physical therapy.
  3. To develop the student’s global awareness and oral ability.


  1. Demonstrate effective and appropriate verbal and non verbal communication with patient/client, the physical therapist, health care delivery personnel and others.
  2. Recognize individual and cultural differences in all aspects of physical therapy.
  3. Demonstrate Global Learning using an oral ability through a multimedia presentation based on cases assigned.


This resource is part of the Learning Matters Assignment Library.

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Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License



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