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Diffuse Optical Tomography (DOT) and Optical Spectroscopy using near-infrared (NIR) diffused light has demonstrated great potential for the initial diagnosis of tumors and in the assessment of tumor vasculature response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. The aims of this project are 1) to test the different types of LEDs in the near-infrared range, and design the driving circuit, and test the modulation of LEDs at different frequencies; 2) to test the APDs as a detector, and build the receiver system and compare efficiency with pre-built systems. In this project, we are focusing on creating a low-cost infrared transmission system for tumor and cancer diagnosis.


In this phase of our research project, we focused on the UI design and control system.

This poster was presented at the 33rd Semi-Annual Honors and Undergraduate Research Scholars Poster Presentation at New York City College of Technology, December, 2nd, 2020. Mentor: Dr. Chen Xu, (Computer Engineering Technology).
