Open Educational Resources

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Publication Date

Summer 6-25-2022


CLDV100 (Liberal Arts) Introduction to Multicultural Studies in the 21st Century: 3 hrs. 3 crs.

A study of what culture is; how it influences the choices we make; how to deal positively with conflicts that inevitably arise in working/living situations with people of diverse cultures. It is a course structured to raise multicultural awareness and fortify students' social skills in dealing with cultural differences. It includes an ethnographic study of cultural groups in the U.S.A. Through the study of cultural concepts, this course develops skills in critical thinking, writing, and scholarly documentation. Not open to students with credit in CLDV 101 or Core 101. Prereq: ENG 125. Coreq: ENG 125. This is a Writing Intensive course. [Flexible Core: Individual and Society].


Alapo, Remi. [June 25, 2022]. Diversity and Multicultural Education in the 21st Century. An OER / COIL / ZTC course text for the Fall of 2022. Summer 2022: "Adapt or Adopt An OER" project with support by CTLET - Center for Teaching, Learning, and Educational Technologies at York College, CUNY. New York.

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