Publications and Research
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Publication Date
Fall 11-4-2018
Water loss management is becoming an increasingly important as supplies are stressed by population growth or water scarcity. A SmartWater system ensures optimum consumption and prediction of future water use. Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable countries due to global climate change considering its rapid urbanization, inequitable land use, low income and greater reliance on climate sensitive sectors, particularly agriculture. Agricultural lands used for cropping and livestock rearing are more susceptible to degradation than non-agricultural lands. Most farmers irrigate through flooding, losing up to 75% of water to evaporation and creating a substantial drawdown of much needed water for the sustainability of seasonal crops. As a result, these traditional irrigation systems take four times the water they need to produce one ton of grain. In order to achieve a comprehensive SmartWater network solution, water systems require measurement and installation of sensing devices (Smart meters, sensors, and actuators), real-time communication channels, basic data management software, real-time data analysis and modeling software, and automation and control tools to conduct network management tasks remotely and automatically. Presently, the usable water quality and amount is constrained due to surficial contamination that takes places from various sources including anthropogenic reasons. Contemplation of any new or upgrading existing facilities for agricultural and urban needs, local Water Budget estimation should be taken into account and expanded to accommodate regional needs. To ensure an overall quality of water involving every sector, application of SmartWater Management warrants greater attention before initiating any new plan or upgrading facilities. Furthermore, an effective implementation of SmartWater concept should incorporate a comprehensive management structure at regional or city level, based on sustainability and self-reliance by adopting more intelligent solutions and technologies. It should also consider water recycling, water treatment technologies, and monitoring on regular bases.
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Engineering Education Commons, Environmental Engineering Commons, Geological Engineering Commons, Geology Commons, Geomorphology Commons, Risk Analysis Commons
This work was originally presented at the GSA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.