Student Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award

Spring 5-24-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

Honors Designation


Program of Study

Communication - Corporate Communication



First Advisor

Sarah Bishop

Second Advisor

Rianne Subijanto


This narrative analysis delves deeply into the REV UP, #IHelpVeterans, and Snack Zone disability campaigns, dissecting their shared themes and strategies. It underscores the pivotal role of community engagement, stressing the importance of not just raising awareness but actively involving communities in advocacy efforts. Moreover, it highlights how these campaigns leverage personal narratives to humanize disability issues, making them more relatable and compelling. Additionally, the study emphasizes the necessity of advocating for systemic change, pointing out that while individual actions matter, broader structural reforms are needed to address deeply entrenched barriers. By fostering collaboration, amplifying marginalized voices, and pushing for tangible reforms, these campaigns collectively contribute to a larger movement aimed at creating a more inclusive and equitable society for individuals with disabilities.



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