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Eastern Nile Basin water resource related issues are complex which include water allocation, water simulation, reservoir operation and more. Addressing issues requires specialized tools for this reason the Eastern Nile Technical Regional Office developed a set of models under the Eastern Nile Planning Model project. A public domain model is used for this study to simulate the water system of the basin using Hec-ResSim Model. Four separate Hec-ResSim models has been developed for Abbay –Blue Nile –Main Nile, Tekeze-Setit-Atbara, Baro-Akobo-Sobat Sub basins and integrating these into unified model for the whole Eastern Nile Basin. Each of the four models are calibrated to historical conditions and configured to a baseline representing the current infrastructure and known management practices. The model calibration is done for the period 1956 to 1990. The model performance is checked using Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency test which gives an accuracy of 0.85 and more for most of the key stations. Investment studies undertaken in the basin along with different selective development scenarios including proposed dams, irrigation schemes and cascade options for each sub basin have been simulated for the period of 1956 to 2002. The Hec-ResSim model advance features in operating goals definition like tandem operation, downstream control operation and multi-reservoir system constraints has been used for this study in assessing the effect of cascade of dams on Blue Nile and combine operation rule of Rosereies and Sennar Dam. The effect of Grand Renaissance Dam in Ethiopia on downstream users has been analyzed for different scenarios which include the effect during filling time for different hydrological traces. Water abstraction for proposed large scheme irrigation demand is also another scenario which has been simulated in the model. This study gives insight on the Eastern Nile Basin with different development options and comparing them with existing condition.


Session R29, Hydrologic Modeling: Processes and River Flows



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