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Flooding in urban areas due to heavy rainfall coupled with high tides is a major concern affecting development of coastal cities all over the world. There is a spectrum of models such as 2D distributed flood models to simplified storage cell models using analytical expressions. All such models demand a high level of skill to handle geospatial data making it difficult for decision makers. Thus development of web GIS based hydrological application becomes essential. Traditionally, most web GIS based applications have used conceptual model because of low data requirements and parameter calibrations. In this paper web GIS based integrated flood model has been presented. Both the web GIS server and the associated hydrological model have been indigenously built. The web GIS server has been built using Java, Java Servlet Page, JQuery, HTML and XML technologies while the associated hydrological model has been built in MATLAB language and both are stored on the server side. The data input to the model is from the client-side through web browser. The model is capable of simulation 1D overland flow using mass balance approach, 1D diffusion wave based channel flow model and quasi 2D raster based floodplain model. The study presents a web GIS based urban flood simulation tool for a coastal urban catchment of Navi Mumbai, India. The three main outputs from the tool are a) generation discharge and stage hydrographs at any point along the channel; b) Water level profile plot at any hour of the simulation and c) Flood map animation in case of flooding in channel. The results of the model application indicate that the model can be used as an effective coastal urban flood simulation tool.
Session R33, Hydrologic Modeling: Use and Integration of GIS