Publications and Research

Document Type


Publication Date

Summer 8-22-1994


The ceaseless growth of chemical information has created a need for chemical professionals who can organize and disseminate this vast knowledge. If you like to read, enjoy being in a library, or like to work with information on computers, you may want to consider a career in chemical information. While only a small fraction of chemists choose this nontraditional career, they have found fulfillment in many different roles. Chemical information scientists and librarians using the powerful computerized databases now available either provide chemists and other research scientists the information they need, or teach researchers and students how to use these electronic tools. Abstracters, indexers, and computer specialists make the knowledge and data of chemistry accessible. Publishers employ chemists as editors and as producers and marketers of printed and electronic products. Many chemists who had anticipated careers in the laboratory have instead found gratification in one of these roles.


This work was originally published in American Chemical Society 208th National Meeting Abstracts of Papers.



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