Dissertations, Theses, and Capstone Projects

Date of Degree


Document Type


Degree Name



Political Science


Jillian Schwedler

Subject Categories

Communication | Communication Technology and New Media | Comparative Politics | Interpersonal and Small Group Communication | Mass Communication | Social Influence and Political Communication | Social Media


Social Media, Emotions, Social Movements, Egypt, Arab Spring, Media Ecology


This study considers how social media impacts emotional processing, and ultimately social movement development. Through a multidisciplinary lens, I explore how social media fits within larger media ecologies, particularly during times of social upheaval and collective action. Grounded in an examination of organizational efforts in advance of the 2011 Egyptian revolution, I look at how communication patterns create common emotional cues that help form the movement. Considering framing, emotional habitus, and subjective agency within digital spaces, I demonstrate how social media has emerged as an articulating space for social movements to develop and plan before drawing wider, offline populations to their cause. In further analyses, I suggest a wider examination of newer technologies within digital communication, and how they may shape collective feeling and action.
