Dissertations, Theses, and Capstone Projects

Date of Degree


Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name



Data Analysis & Visualization


Ellie Frymire

Subject Categories

Digital Humanities


Digital Tipping Platforms, User Experience Personalization, Data Visualization, Personalized Data Stories, React and TypeScript, Interactive Visualizations


In our digital world, data has grown from a specialized tool to a key part of our daily lives. It offers a unique way to tell stories about who we are and what we like, especially on digital platforms where we spend so much of our time. The introduction of 'Wrapped' features by companies like Spotify really showed the world how much fun and engaging personalized data can be. These yearly summaries became something users looked forward to, showing them their habits and preferences in a visually appealing way. This trend caught on quickly, spreading across various types of platforms, from music and fitness apps to food delivery services, proving that data could be more than numbers—it could be a story.

Taking inspiration from this, my project "Wrapped Insights" aims to bring this level of personalized storytelling to Tip Top Jar, a digital tipping platform I created. We're developing a feature that will let users see their tipping activities in a whole new light. Instead of just numbers, they'll get a visual story about their habits, trends, and even fun facts. This approach is not just about making data look good; it's about making it meaningful and engaging for our users, giving them insights into their behavior that they hadn't noticed before.

My capstone project, "Wrapped Insights," which is now live and can be explored at https://tiptopjar.com/wrapped, represents a leap in how we interact with web-based visualizations. Visitors can dive into a colorful, interactive world where data springs to life, offering personalized insights and stories about their engagement with the platform. This immersive experience is designed not just for passive viewing but for active exploration, allowing users to uncover the hidden stories within their data.
