
Graduation Date

Winter 12-16-2022

Grading Professor

Aaron Morrison

Subject Concentration

Urban Reporting

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Headline: Marginalized communities are facing the brunt of student homelessness.

My capstone is a news article focusing on the rising number of students who are homeless in New York City. It explores how advocacy groups and active community members are working to help those in marginalized communities experiencing homelessness at higher rates.

Data: Data collection on the number of students unhoused in the past 11 years was done on Datawrapper. The numbers were found on NYSTEACHS.ORG.

Keywords: Student homelessness, Shelter system, Unhoused, Advocates for Children, Mckinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, Schools, Education

Here is the link to my capstone:

Datachart .png (103 kB)
Data chart in article

School bus .jpg (990 kB)



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