
Graduation Date

Fall 12-13-2023

Grading Professor

Alyxaundria Sanford

Subject Concentration

Engagement Journalism

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Among New York City's diasporic communities lie the Indigenous Tainos, an aboriginal people originally from the Caribbean region. But many people are unaware of their existence. There is a belief among Puerto Ricans and other Caribbean societies that the Tainos are an extinct tribe since the 16th century due to European colonization. The Taino revivalist movement has taken strength during the last 30 years, and more Taino descendants are taking pride on their identity and culture. After 5 months of collaboration with this Indigenous community, Puerto Rican journalist Ángeles Rodríguez Negrón created Miyari Taino, a podcast designed to provide visibility and cultural preservation of the Tainos within the New York diaspora.



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