
Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)



First Advisor

James Mahon


Having children is something that has always been considered morally good. Generations and generations of human beings have been raised with the idea that procreating is part of the natural processes of life. To have a child is often considered an important milestone in a person’s life most societies. In fact, it is expected of any well-rounded adult. However, in recent years, some philosophers have argued against the moral permissibility of having children. In this thesis I aim to end the debate on the morality of procreation. I will argue that it is morally permissible to have children, but only in certain instances. I will look at the extreme position in this debate, Anti-Natalism (against having children), defended by David Benatar, and objections to it by David Wasserman. Challenging each of their views, and extracting the strongest aspects of each side, I will advance a third more rational and acceptable view. This view will explore the idea of what makes having children morally permissible or impermissible.



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