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By Irwin Feifer with Naomi Greenberg, Jeffrey Kleinberg, Audrey McEvans, John Weigel, Jeffrey Weintraub, and Dorris Williams; Table of Contents: I. Evolution of Career Education at LaGuardia Community College II. Overview of Major Program Areas and Their Career Educational Components III. Classification of the Specific Objectives Addressed by LaGuardia’s Career Educational Components IV. Evaluative Studies of the Extent to Which Each of LaGuardia’s Career Educational Objectives Have Been Attained V. Summary of Results and Conclusions VI. Appendices A-H [A: Demographic Survey of 1977 Freshmen; B: An Evaluation of LaGuardia Community College by Its 1974 Graduating Class; C: 1977 Program Evaluation Questionairre; D: Questionairres Used to Study Students’ Attitudes Toward Coop Prep Courses; E: Winter ’78 Students Responses to the Introductory TAR Courses of Their Respective Major Fields; F: Seminar Evaluation Rating Form; G: A Longitudinal Follow-up Study of LaGuardia Community College’s 1973-1975 Graduates; H: Cumulative Responses to the Six (TAR) Seminar Sessions by Each Major Field of Study] - 118 p.; Appendix A (10), B (14), C (18), D (6), E (34), F (2), G (41), H (6)



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