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New York City's crime dynamics have been on the rise for decades. Brooklyn and The Bronx have been disproportionately affected. This research aims to understand the crime landscape in these boroughs to formulate effective policies. Using crime data from official sources, statistical analyses, and data visualizations, the study identifies patterns and trends. The data encompasses over 400,000 reported incidents collected over the past 10 years, meticulously categorized by borough, crime type, and demographic information. Brooklyn has the highest overall crime rate, followed by The Bronx. Most shooting victims are Black. This highlights the need for holistic community programs to address systemic issues contributing to violence. Notably, many minor victims emerge, particularly in The Bronx and Brooklyn. Boroughs with higher crime rates require increased funding for enhanced security measures, including strategic law enforcement initiatives, community policing, and technology-based solutions to deter criminal activities. Investing in education is crucial for breaking the cycle of crime. Allocating more resources to education budgets in highly impacted boroughs can contribute to positive long-term changes in community dynamics and socioeconomic conditions.


This poster was presented at the 39th Semi-Annual Dr. Janet Liou-Mark Honors & Undergraduate Research Poster Presentation, December 7, 2023. Mentor: Prof. Marcos Pinto (Computer Systems Technology).

Thanks to Dr. Marcos Pinto for assisting us during this research, and providing assistance throughout the research, as well as providing the dataset. We look forward to working with you again in the future!



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