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The National Science Foundation S-STEM program at NYC College of Technology (City Tech), Developing an Ecosystem of STEM success for Built Environment Scholars (Award Number 2150432), focuses on supporting and developing scholars in the majors relating to the Built Environment. The proposed project includes the expansion of Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL) at City Tech. The PLTL model creates a supportive learning environment and supplements the faculty-centered classroom with student-led and student-oriented workshops. At City Tech, existing workshops provide curricular support in statics and mathematics. The PLTL program benefits promising first-year STEM students, and the S-STEM program utilizes the PLTL model to support courses related to attrition junctures. This poster will compare the grade distributions of relevant course sections with Peer Leaders to sections without a dedicated Peer Leader.


This poster was presented at the Peer-Led Team Learning International Society Twelfth Annual Conference, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, Wednesday, May 29 – Saturday, June 1, 2024. Mentor: Prof. Melanie Villatoro (Construction Management and Civil Engineering Technology).



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