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The escalating costs of healthcare in the United States have led to a significant burden on diverse populations, often resulting in diminished access to quality care. As profit-driven motives increasingly influence healthcare providers and insurers, the affordability and accessibility of healthcare services are adversely affected. This research examines the intricate dynamics between profit motives and healthcare provision, employing a mixed-methods approach to investigate the impact on the diverse groups. By conducting a quantitative and some qualitative examination of healthcare spending data, this study demonstrates a pronounced disparity in the quality of healthcare services provided to populations across different income levels. The results highlight a trend where profit-oriented practices contribute to inflated costs of services and medications, which in turn restrict the access to necessary care for the economically disadvantaged. The implications of these findings are profound, suggesting that the current healthcare system exacerbates socioeconomic disparities in health outcomes. This underscores the need for policy interventions that balance the economic objectives of healthcare entities with the essential human right to healthcare, particularly for vulnerable groups.


This poster, first place winner for non-STEM individual projects, was Presented at the 40th Semi-Annual Dr. Janet Liou-Mark Honors & Undergraduate Research Poster Presentation, May 9, 2024. Mentor: Prof. Annie Ngana Mundeke (African American Studies).

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Health Policy Commons



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