Publications and Research

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Publication Date

Fall 11-27-2019


Patients who have invasive bladder cancer (spread to different tissues and organs) may need to have a radical cystectomy type of surgery. In male patients, the surgeon usually removes the prostate and seminal vesicles in addition to the bladder, parts of the ureters, and lymph nodes (Nicholson, 2017, ¶ 1)

In our case a reconstructive surgery followed right after removing of the bladder and prostate gland. A different way of urine to be stored and passed from the patient’s body was created by the surgeon. A part of small intestine was used to make up a reservoir that will serve as a urinary bladder. The neobladder is also called ileal bladder. It is connected to the patient’s ureters, which carry urine out of the kidneys. The other end of the neobladder is connected to a small opening in patient’s abdomen called stoma that allows stored urine to pass out of the body. A urostomy pouching system over the stoma applied to catch and hold the urine. Abdominal muscles contractions initiate emptying process.
