Publications and Research

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Publication Date

Summer 7-2022


Electronic resources undergo various changes during their lifecycle from evaluation, to acquisitions, to renewal or cancelation. To keep users abreast of these changes, effective communication is necessary between the electronic resources librarian and the library team. Effective communication is equally important between the electronic resources librarian and library users. At Queens College Library, the Library Team consisting of faculty librarians and staff are alerted to electronic resources changes through emails and posts to a Microsoft Teams library channel. Those lifecycle changes communicated to the Library Team are also featured on a public Electronic Resources Status (ERS) Dashboard, accessible to anyone. The ERS Dashboard and related policies and workflows have helped to streamline communication with the Library Team and users. The author details the techniques used in communicating electronic resources lifecycle changes to the Library Team and users.


Sugrim, Sonali. (2022). Communicating Changes Throughout the Electronic Resources Lifecycle to Library Staff and Users. Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship, 34(2), 138-148.



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