Publications and Research

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This is a presentation on Diversity and Multi-Culturalism in the 21st Century related to the individual and society based on responses from in-class assignments during various semester course sessions [from 2019 to 2021] taught by the presenter at the York College [CUNY]. In the course in addition to culture, students learned about norms, values, systems of beliefs, social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication, race and ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation and gender, technology and culture, cultural universalism and relativism, and how these affect our shared or distinct day to day cultural practices and social interaction in our various communities.

At the end of the course, students worked on assignments on eliminating biases, prejudice, gender, sexual, cultural, and religious discrimination and provided recommendations, suggestions, and solutions on how to promote diversity, inclusion, and cross-cultural understanding in schools and in their various communities. Students shared their day-to-day social interactions, travels, and cross-cultural experiences in and around New York City as part of their responses.

These assignments were based on student experiences or observations as members of a minority or a majority group living in the United States. In addition, students provided critical thinking analysis on case study scenarios on issues in cultural diversity and on multiculturalism. The presenter will provide an analysis of data on culture and diversity and share feedback on how promote diversity and multiculturalism in both our schools and in our society.


This work was originally presented at the Association of American Geographers [AAG] Conference in New York City.

This work is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareALike (CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0) License.



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