In this essay I discuss how my course attempts to broaden the definition of the American architectural canon by bringing in the discipline of preservation and, by extension the discussion of vernacular architecture. Throughout the course students are given assignments meant to engage with all levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy. By highlighting specific assignments such as a National Register of Historic Nomination Form, and a student led class discussion on Colonial Williamsburg I will show how students engage with the upper levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy. At the same time this essay demonstrates how a course on architecture of the United States allows this material to become more inclusive, dynamic and comprehensible to a diverse student population. Ultimately, a course on American architectural history adds another perspective to the discipline of art history of the United States.
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Recommended Citation
Kocyba, Kate. 2021. "Building Pedagogy: Studying Architecture and Preservation in American Art and Architectural History." Art History Pedagogy & Practice 6, (1). https://academicworks.cuny.edu/ahpp/vol6/iss1/3
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American Art and Architecture Commons, Architectural History and Criticism Commons, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Commons