
Publication Date

Fall 2001




I would like to thank Professor Penelope Andrews for providing me with the opportunity to let this article come to life; Professor Rhonda Copelon, who allowed me my first view into the United Nations; Professors Ruthann Robson, Maivan Lam, Debbie Zalesne and Sharon Horn for their scholarly insight and encouragement; Professor Victor Goode, for being a wonderful mentor; Colman McCarthy, my teacher, friend, and guide through revolutions small and large for over a decade; and my parents, Doris B. Harfeld and Judge David I. Harfeld, for their love and faith irrespective of my choice to do well or good. A special thanks goes to Natalva Paul, former Editor-in-Chief of the N.Y.C. Law Review, for recruiting this article, and to all of the CUNY students who staff the N.Y.C. Law Review for their dedication to scholarship and for their hard work in allowing student voices to emerge and shine.

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