Dissertations, Theses, and Capstone Projects

Date of Degree


Document Type


Degree Name





Roger Hart


Cindi Katz

Committee Members

Marta Gutman

Rickie Sanders

Meghan Talarowski

Subject Categories

American Material Culture | Human Geography | Other Psychology | Recreation, Parks and Tourism Administration | Social History | Urban Studies | Urban Studies and Planning


adventure playground, playground, play, park, child, childhood


This dissertation provides an historical analysis of repurposed material adventure playgrounds in the United States between 1949 and 1999. Three microhistories of adventure playgrounds (The Yard, in Minneapolis, M.N., and several playgrounds in New York City, N.Y., and Houston, T.X.) are framed against the wider socio-economic changes that shaped more than thirty-five adventure playgrounds in the United States over the period of study. By focusing on the relationships mobilized by adventure playground advocates at different scales and across different points of view, and how these networks shaped the local production of spaces for play, this dissertation's method underlines the importance of attending to local geographies when grappling with questions about what sorts of spaces are possible. This study argues that the history of U.S. adventure playgrounds provides useful lessons for contemporary play advocates seeking to create these types of play environments today.

This work is embargoed and will be available for download on Wednesday, September 30, 2026

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