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Este artigo descreve as políticas espanholas para promover o status do espanhol como uma língua valiosa, com especial atenção à sua promoção no Brasil. Salienta-se a conexão entre essas políticas lingüísticas e os interesses geoestratégicos da Espanha, e analisam-se algumas das falhas nos argumentos que legitimam o valor do espanhol.
This article describes Spain's policies designed to promote the status of Spanish as a valuable language with special attention to its promotion in Brazil. The connection between these language policies and Spain's geostrategic interests is highlighted and some of the inconsistencies in the arguments that legitimize the value of Spanish are discussed.
This work was originally published in Revista da ABRALIN, available at
This work is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).