Date of Award

Spring 6-2021

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Forensic Psychology



First Advisor or Mentor

Matthew Barry Johnson

Second Reader

Phillip Yanos

Third Advisor

Veronica Johnson


Interrogation expectations (IE) is a construct that suggests expectations of custodial interrogations affect suspects’ Miranda waiver decisions while under interrogation. Prior research has examined IE quantitatively but there has been no prior research examining IE qualitatively. This current research conducted both a quantitative and qualitative analysis of IE using a sample of 335 participants from the United States. This research took the form of an online survey using Prolific ( to recruit participants, Qualtrics ( to record data, and SPSS and Nvivo to analyze quantitative qualitative data. It was hypothesized that substantial individual variation in IE will be found in the sample, and variations are associated with demographic variables (specifically race/ethnicity, age and arrest history). Qualitative data were assessed in order to shed further light on the relationship of IE to the Miranda waiver decision and other relevant findings. Substantial individual variability in IE was found among the sample and, only age and years lived in the U.S were found to be significant predictors of IE.



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