Open Educational Resources

Document Type

Activity or Lab

Publication Date

Spring 2-2-2019


These are materials that may be used in a CS0 course as a light introduction to machine learning.

The materials are mostly Jupyter notebooks which contain a combination of labwork and lecture notes. There are notebooks on Classification, An Introduction to Numpy, and An Introduction to Pandas.

There are also two assessments that could be assigned to students. One is an essay assignment in which students are asked to read and respond to an article on machine bias. The other is a lab-like exercise in which students use pandas and numpy to extract useful information about subway ridership in NYC. This assignment uses public data provided by NYC concerning entrances and exits at MTA stations.

This OER material was produced as a result of the CS04ALL CUNY OER project


This OER material was produced as a result of the CS04ALL CUNY OER project

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 License.
