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Activity or Lab

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This document summarizes the process of leading a difficult dialogues workshop. Supplemental files are attached, which include a script and slides. We recommend following the script to ensure the workshop is organized and follows the methods outlined below. These materials have served as the basis for an ongoing series of workshops at LaGuardia Community College in a variety of contexts, from faculty and staff discussing gender identity to student interactions at the College. Most recently and frequently, the workshop has been held for Student Success Mentors to help them navigate their relationships with the students they supervise and the professors they work with and report to. The text in this document and the attached files can be found at the following website:

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License

Difficult_Dialogues_LAGCC_SSM_Training_Example_Script.pdf (103 kB)
script for difficult dialogues workshop

SSM_Dialogue_Training_LAGCC_SLides.pdf (995 kB)
slides for difficult dialogues workshop



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