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Recent graduates lack the knowledge of many career opportunities there is after earning a Radiology Technology (RT) certification. The purpose of this study is to investigate how much knowledge students have as a student becomes certified for RT. This study will also represent RT workers' experience today. Questionnaires will be spread to the students in order to determine the level of knowledge of career opportunities they have in the career. The in-depth questions will target the career options in the radiology field; they also will include questions that ask for the age and demographics of students forming the part of the survey. Surveys are going to be analyzed and converted to excel in order to compare students' knowledge and also include tech experience when earning certification for a new modality in medical imaging.


This poster was presented at the 37th Semi-Annual Dr. Janet Liou-Mark Honors & Undergraduate Research Poster Presentation, Dec. 1, 2022. Mentor: Prof. Zoya Vinokur (Radiologic Technology).

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Radiology Commons



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