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This paper provides a different meaning on the role of the Pastor or Ministry Leader as a “servant leader” referencing the text—“Pastor: The Theology and Practice of Ordained Ministry” by William H. Willimon (2002),1 where the author describes the ordained ministry as “a is a gift of God to the church” which usually does not mean that it is an easy task but rather, more complex and challenging as ministry leaders or pastors feel a call to transforming societies beyond their calling. In post-modern society, the pastors’ role has differed and extended to form in line with creating a just and beloved community. In such communities, the pastor has more interaction with the community and the day to day activities of its neighbors or hosts. The purpose of this paper is to understand leadership and the role of the Ministry leader as a transformational leader, that goes beyond the role of being a servant leader.
This work was originally published in Philosophy Study, available at doi: 10.17265/2159-5313/2018.01.002.
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