Date of Award

Fall 1-5-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

Dr Diana Reiss

Second Advisor

Dr Joshua Plotnik

Academic Program Adviser

Dr Diana Reiss


Monk parakeets are a species of parrot native to subtropical and temperate regions of Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Bolivia that have been introduced to many parts of the world. Monk Parakeets have lived in Brooklyn, New York since the 1970s and many myths and legends surround how these birds came to live here. This thesis is a description of the behavior of monk parakeets in Brooklyn, New York’s Greenwood Cemetery based on observations I conducted twice a week from January through October of 2023. Because of the unusual nature of this population of parakeets as well as their unique behaviors among parrot species, these birds are of interest for many reasons and but makes tracking a specific group of them and following them throughout their day quite difficult in other settings. In Brooklyn and Greenwood Cemetery it was possible to follow this specific group of these birds for hours across days, weeks, and even the year. This allowed for a more natural observation of their behavior without the effects of captivity.



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