Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Lost in the Times of Yesterday and Other Stories, Anes Ahmed
Optimizing the Protein Yield of the Collagen Mimetic Peptide: Col108, Fahmida Akter
The Mailroom, Davis Alianiello
Rebetiko in NYC: New Ideas of Greek Diaspora, Mihalis Alisandratos
Evaluating Differences in Expression of Neuroticism in Individual Homed Cats and Feral Cat Colonies Across Varying Degrees of Human Settlement, Sophie Ambrosino
Haruspex, Seth Amos
Learning from One’s Own Errors vs from Observing Other People's Errors: Ego Engagement vs Ego Threat, Viktoriya Andreevskaya
Road Gives Way: Transiting Indigenous Reconnection, Rosalind Aparicio-Ramírez
Proud Men, Jacob Appet
Frankly, I Thought the Emptiness in Me Would Take Shape as Better Music, Jesse Arnholz
Place-Conscious vs. Place-Bound, Julie Avetisyan
Electrifying Choices: Decoding Electric Vehicle Adoption and Policy Incentives in America, William T. Ball
Hypotheticals, Sophia Bannister
Spending the Peace Dividend: NATO and the Failures of American Diplomacy, Caleb Batman
Load Reduction Leadership: A Cognitive Load Theory-Based Framework Differentiating Performance Patterns in NYC Schools, Kristopher C. Bertoglio
Papering over Colonial Legacies: Chinoiserie, Chinese Wallpaper, and Exotic Obfuscation at Harewood House, Carolyn J. Bishop
Will This Make You Happy, Tanya Bush
Chaucer’s Contradictory Representations of Fourteenth Century Knighthood in The Canterbury Tales, Nicholas Cabrera
Thinking Sculpturally: The Implications of Sculptural Space in the work of Charles Ray, AD Canter
"This Other Way": Photography at Black Mountain College, Kyle Canter
A Taste for the Distasteful: The Aesthetics of Gore in the Giallo and Horror Films of Mario Bava, Thais Casado Bignardi-Engstrom
Swallow Your Medicine: Marisol’s Saca la Lengua from the Peace Portfolio II, A. E. Chapman
Pricks and Pills, Anna A. Charles
Budget Capping Health Care: Its Impact on Health, Susan Chen
The Routes, Wei-Ta Chen
Ripe Spoils, Yan Cynthia Chen
Feeble Transmitters, Indranil Choudhury
間, LeLe Dai
The J in Danger, Zachary Delamater
The Morbs, Jennifer L. Diamond
Melancholic Maestrae: Gender, Genius, and Self-Fashioning in Baroque Female Archetypes, Rebecca DiGiovanna
Chemical Meadows, Nate Dorr
Mourning Before Death: Ferdinand Hodler and Valentine Godé-Darel, Nicolas Dowling
Impressions from Nadezhda Stolpovskaya, Curtis Eckley
Past and Future Winds, Alicia Ehni
Notes on Steel, Rachel Faeth
Heirloom, Mercedes P. Frias
Changing the Narrative: Athinai, an Illustrated Periodical for Modern Greece, 1934–35, Julie Fry
RGB Root Matriz Color Dance, Danielle E. Gauthier
Italians Inside American Government: New York Politicians & Black Equality in the United States, from the 1920s-1950s, Nathanael Geraci
Effects of the Automatic Enrollment Provision of the Pension Protection Act of 2006 on Labor Market Outcomes of Older Americans, Yannis Giannoulakis
Dyslexia and Proofreading: Examining Error Detection and Cognitive Compensation, Gillian Glasser
A Grid and a Shadow, Henry Glavin
Lutz Bacher: 1975-2019, Jeremy Gloster
Understanding Family Experiences of IEP Meetings and Building Skills to Empower Families at the IEP Meeting, Elizabeth J. Golini
Wordflight, Joey Gonnella
Southern and Caribbean Transnational Black Feminist Dialogues in Contemporary Art, Adria Gunter
Crucifixion Can Happen To Anyone: Embodying Christ Through The Queer Artist, Xander Guyer
“Here’s my Brown Soul!”: Identity and Transformation in Tejano Music, Joseph Guzman
Landscape As Vanitas, C'naan Hamburger
Bengal Memory, Fahim Hamid
My SAUCE! Living in the Polyrhythm, Zakiya Harris
Sex Differences in the Diets of Forest-dwelling Baboons (Papio anubis), Kara Hartunian
Rehearsing Attention: Contemporary Dance as a Practice of Sustained Focus, Eve J. Jacobs
Fibersheds: Textiles as the Basis for a New World, Rebecca John
Conceptual Representation and Schemas: Perceived Gender Differences Among Kinds and Shared Properties, Kathryn G. Johnson
Arrival of Spring, Ryan Johnson
Notes on Woke and Other Problematic Essays, Elz Cuya Jones
A Biography and Case Study on Marthe Wéry Her Ceaseless Exploration of the Components of Painting: Tracing Journeys in the Artist’s Life and Work, Sarah Grace Jones
The Rise of Domestic Travel Imagery During Isolation: Looking at the Seclusion of Japan and England, Tiffany I. Kang
Time's Radiant Keepers, Tara Aliya Kesavan
Oblique, Edward Kijowski
Dear Dad,, Kimin Kim
Land Surface Temperature Change in New York City, 1985-2023: A Historical Analysis, Andrew Kittredge
Container Film, Dena Kopolovich
The Great Synthesizer: Yuji Agematsu’s Map Works, Rare Objects and Affinities to Fluxus, Renāte Lagzdiņa
Claiming Missing Inheritance, Jack Lancaster
Reflections of Little Red Dot: An Interactive Mixed Reality Archival Experience, Chloé Lee
Last Gold, Minna Lee
4 Sketches, Teté Leguía
The Fuller the Bucket is, the Harder It is To Fly, Jacob Littlejohn
The Impact of Sexual Orientation and Sexual Behavior on Wages, Curtis Lowe
Corridors, Miguel Antonio Alfredo V. Luarca
Scattered Fragments: Art, Architecture, and Archives in Revolutionary Urban Cairo, Mounira M. Makar
STAGES: Social Dance Forms as Catalyst for Recovery, R. Austin Marquez
Blurring the Boundaries: The Filmmaking Approach Toward Remission, John M. Mastriano
Pan Shot!, Samuel Robert Gaston Mattax
Envelope of Ruin : Material and Spatial Responses of New York City Homeless to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Kyle C. Maxey
Mapping Urban Tree Canopy Using Publicly Available Satellite Data, Rosemary McGuinness
Archaeomalacological Studies in the North Atlantic Islands, Kelly A. McLafferty
Just Save Me, Terrence McManus
A Spatial Decision Support System for Rent Estimation of Retail Spaces in Manhattan Using Geographically Weighted Regression and Spatial Regression, Andie M. Migden Miller
Suspicion and the Witch’s Tit, Shayna R. Miller
Routed Through Rubber: Ulises Carrión and Marginal Media (1972–1980), Mary-Elisabeth Moore
Repeat After Me, Bonnie Morano
The Defense and Propagation of a Doctrine in New Spain: Images of the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception in Franciscan Religious Establishments, 1550–1700, Jocelyn Mosquera
Assessing Comprehension and Competence in Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) on the Concept: Do Something Different, Charlotte M. Mulligan
Dreaming of Gladiators, Jenna Murray
Impact of Exposure to Coal Plants on Birth Weight: Evidence from India Coal Plant Capacity, Deborah Nakkungu
Adverse Selection in Online Auctions: A Study of eBay Motors, Ilanith Nizard
Erase the Record, Anne Sofie Noerskov