Date of Award

Spring 5-3-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


Creative Writing

First Advisor

Mychal Denzel Smith

Second Advisor

Saïd Sayrafiezadeh

Academic Program Adviser

Michael Rizzo


In the vein of the literary and artistic genre of Indigenous Futurisms, the author documents her understanding of indigeneity and the impacts of migration through her relationship with her father and extended family’s culture, one unbeknownst to her until adulthood. Through visitation to her family’s pueblo in Oaxaca, Mexico, her father’s hometown of Mexico City, her hometown in North Carolina, new conversations with family members on their Zapoteco and Mixteco heritage, and re-examination and contextualization of memories, the author begins to understand what the process of ‘reconnecting’ looks like for her family. Particular emphasis is placed on experiences of travel and transit, imagined, experienced, or recounted, as a vehicle for sharing cultural and familial knowledge. The author binds this fragmented work of documentation with visions of world shifts, speculative memories, and political analysis of the circumstances that informed her father’s decision to keep his Indigenous background from the author.

Available for download on Saturday, May 02, 2026

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Nonfiction Commons
