Date of Award

Fall 1-5-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)



First Advisor

Reiner Leist

Academic Program Adviser

Carrie Moyer and Lisa Corinne Davis


Life in New York has led me to investigate the multi-generational endeavor of building the Vatican. Although the Renaissance is often appreciated for idealized bodies, a flourishing Christianity, and a revival of the past, none of these are my focus. Instead, what moves me is that much of the construction at the Vatican was born out of experience with destruction. The fear of destruction was dominant in their psyche as they approached their designs. Life in New York rhymes with this multi-generational endeavor--but through an inversion of sorts, because the fear of destruction is within us. This led me to understand how I could use the genre of landscape to create contemporary vanitas pictures.

Included in

Art Practice Commons



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