Date of Award

Spring 5-3-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

Prof. Shafer Mahoney

Second Advisor

Prof. David Fulmer

Academic Program Adviser

Prof. Yayoi Everett


Program Notes

Ākāśā represents the subtlest form of matter and is often described as the infinite space in which all other elements exist, akin to a canvas upon which the universe is painted. From this primordial element emerges all vibrations that become Sound.

While waiting in line at a Shiva temple in South India, I was struck by the multitude of sounds filling the vast space. Percussion instruments played different rhythms in front of different deities, there was a melodic reed instrument, chants, singing and bells. Voices of people conversing intertwined with this musical tapestry. As the busy soundscape intensified, a sudden hush descended. From this silence emerged a singular voice, singing in devotion, accompanied by the gentle flicker of a flame lifted before the deity. In that moment, I transitioned from identifying with the restless chaos to embracing the beauty that arose. But perhaps the truth lay in the 'space' in between the two. These aural experiences serve as an inspiration behind this composition.

The first movement, "Exploration" depicts the movements of the Self within Ākāśā. A Conch shell-like motif draws attention to the subtle space, as different instruments weave their own melodies, and meander through space before converging on the conch shell motif. The Self is represented by a recurring piano motif, which in its final iteration surrenders to waves of string harmonics. In the second movement, "Dance of Time" a cyclically repeating time structure emerges in 8/4, anchored in a tala, symbolizing the Self’s entanglement in Time. The third movement, "A Glimpse," features a brief polyrhythmic passage, with bell-like calls drowning out the individual Self, offering a fleeting glimpse into something profound, beyond mundane existence.

Included in

Composition Commons



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