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Parasite data were collected from unlogged and selectively logged lowland rain forests in Borneo. Scat from a female Viverra tangalunga (Malay civet) in the unlogged forest contained eggs of Capillaria spp., Trichuris sp., Mamomoganomus sp., and nematode larvae. Scat attributed to V. tangalunga contained reproductive products (eggs/oocysts/cysts/larvae) of Capillaria sp., Toxocara sp., Ancylostoma sp. (probably A. ceylanicum), Isospora spp., strongylate-type eggs (probably Ancylostoma spp.), Paragoni­ mus sp. and other Trematoda eggs, Monocystis sp. cysts, Gnathostoma sp. (probably G. spinigerum), the lungworm Viverrostrongylus brauni, pinworm-type eggs, Eimeria spp., Sarcocystis-type sporocyst, dermanysid mites and mesostigmatid mites. Parasites from gut samples from two Hemigalus derbyanus (banded palm civets) road kills included Capil­ laria sp., other trematode eggs, Demodex-type eggs, Ascarid-type eggs and pinworm-type eggs. Gut contents from a Pardoxurus hermaphrodites (common palm civet) road kill contained Eimeria oocysts, Monocystis cysts and possibly Ascaridia eggs. Because many parasite groups detected have intermediate and definitive hosts that are prey species, some parasite products observed may be transmitted through predation or may be internal or external parasites of prey items. Species richness and diversity of gut parasites were similar between sites.The higher incidence of coccidia and Viverrostrongylus brauni in the logged forest, and hookworms in the unlogged forest may be related to dietary differences between sites.


This work was originally published in Malayan Nature Journal .



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