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Among non-smokers, radon is the number one cause of lung cancer, and the second cause of lung cancer overall, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Radon cannot be detected through one's sense of sight, smell, hearing, taste or touch. The only way to detect it is by testing certain spaces or environments with specialized instruments. This radioactive gas is present in trace quantities in the earth and produced by decaying uranium. It enters buildings through cracks in walls, floors, construction joints or gaps around service pipes, electrical wires and sump pits. It emits heavy nuclear fragments of alpha particles (two protons and two neutrons), that can enter the lungs and contribute radiation dose to occupants. It can be detected in homes, workplace, and schools etc. In this research, three (3) specific places where people gather frequently will be tested using a short-term radon test kit in Brooklyn, New York, including a home, school and office. Lab data from the three locations will be compared and analyzed for potential health risks.


This poster was presented at the Sixteenth Annual Poster Session of Faculty and Student Research and Faculty Publications Exhibit at New York City College of Technology, November 15, 2018.
