The Reporter
The Reporter was Baruch College's evening session newspaper. Founded in 1923, when Baruch College was still part of City College, the Reporter billed itself as "the Oldest Evening Session College Newspaper Published in the United States." It ceased publication in 2002.
Works from 1999
Works from 1994
Works from 1990
Works from 1989
Works from 1985
The Reporter, December 04, 1985
The Reporter, October 07, 1985
Works from 1983
The Reporter, December 19, 1983
The Reporter, November 14, 1983
The Reporter, November 28, 1983
The Reporter, October 03, 1983
The Reporter, October 24, 1983
The Reporter, September 12, 1983
Works from 1982
Works from 1981
The Reporter, December 16, 1981
The Reporter, February 26, 1981
The Reporter, January 08, 1981
The Reporter, November 03, 1981
The Reporter, October 12, 1981
The Reporter, September 15, 1981
Works from 1980
The Reporter, December 10, 1980
The Reporter, November 03, 1980
The Reporter, November 24, 1980
Works from 1979
The Reporter, February 28, 1979
The Reporter, October 14, 1979
The Reporter, September 26, 1979
Works from 1978
The Reporter, February 09, 1978
The Reporter, November 15, 1978
The Reporter, October 18, 1978
The Reporter, September 26, 1978
Works from 1977
The Reporter, December 05, 1977
The Reporter, December 13, 1977
The Reporter, December 19, 1977
The Reporter, February 07, 1977
The Reporter, February 15, 1977
The Reporter, February 22, 1977
The Reporter, February 28, 1977
The Reporter, November 07, 1977
The Reporter, November 21, 1977
The Reporter, October 24, 1977
The Reporter, October 31, 1977
Works from 1976
The Reporter, December 13, 1976
The Reporter, December 20, 1976
The Reporter, February 09, 1976
The Reporter, February 23, 1976
The Reporter, January 05, 1976
The Reporter, November 01, 1976
The Reporter, November 08, 1976
The Reporter, November 16, 1976
The Reporter, November 22, 1976
The Reporter, October 05, 1976
The Reporter, October 12, 1976
The Reporter, October 18, 1976
The Reporter, October 25, 1976
The Reporter, September 27, 1976
Works from 1975
The Reporter, December 01, 1975
The Reporter, December 08, 1975
The Reporter, December 15, 1975
The Reporter, December 22, 1975
The Reporter, February 17, 1975
The Reporter, January 06, 1975
The Reporter, November 24, 1975
The Reporter, October 06, 1975
The Reporter, October 14, 1975