Student Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award

Spring 5-21-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

Program of Study

Communication - Corporate Communication



First Advisor

Rianne Subijanto

Second Advisor

Caryn Medved


Social media influencers are more accessible than celebrities, making their audience form strong connections with them through their niche content. The parasocial relationship formed between influencers and their followers through the followers' media literacy of the influencer’s authenticity enables influencers to market themselves promoting products; without a perceived authenticity, a parasocial relationship will struggle to form. This parasocial relationship is typically to generate profit for the influencer, as many influencers are paid to promote and advertise products specific to their niche(s) on their profiles or on the brand’s profiles. A media analysis was used to study 5 beauty and fashion influencers on the social media platform YouTube and the brands they partnered with in a variety of sponsored or advertising content. Additionally, the comments of these videos were analyzed to understand the function of the parasocial relationship between the influencers and their followers. This analysis reveals that influencers were deemed inauthentic by their audiences, yet still had power over a part of their following to stay interested in possibly purchasing their promoted fashion or beauty products. Social media influencers are an effective marketing tool, regardless of authenticity, but stricter laws or guidelines must be put in place to assist in user’s media literacy of how authenticity is utilized by influencers, as influencer authenticity is held accountable by the users; allowing users to have more of an understanding in what is a real recommendation versus a paid advertisement/partnership across all social media platforms.



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