Dissertations and Theses

Date of Award


Document Type



International Relations

First Advisor

Jean Krasno

Second Advisor

Jacques Fomerand


Gender, Gender Apartheid, Women's Rights, Afghanistan, Iran, Women in Islam


This thesis investigates the systemic and institutionalized forms of gender-based discrimination termed gender apartheid, focusing on Afghanistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran. It argues that gender apartheid, a severe form of discrimination where women and girls are subjugated and denied fundamental rights under institutional frameworks, and Afghanistan under Taliban rule and Iran under the Islamic Republic of Iran are two prime cases of gender apartheid. Through a qualitative research approach employing case studies and a comprehensive review of legal documents, academic materials, and reports from reputable organizations, the thesis outlines how gender apartheid is not only a direct product of governmental laws but is deeply intertwined with cultural and religious norms that perpetuate women to an inferior status. The thesis further evaluates international legal instruments like the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and the Sustainable Development Goals, arguing that while these frameworks aim to combat gender discrimination, they fall short of addressing the severity of gender apartheid. The conclusion further emphasizes the urgent need for international legal recognition of gender apartheid as a crime against humanity, arguing that such a step would enhance global mechanisms to hold accountable regimes that institutionalize gender oppression. This recognition would not only validate the sufferings of millions of women but also lead to international action toward dismantling these oppressive systems.



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