Dissertations and Theses

Date of Award


Document Type



International Relations


Philanthropy, Development, Instability


"This study examines the relationship between the lack of economic development and unemployment against the eruption of civil unrest and political instability. I illustrate how political instability in one country is a cause for concern for neighboring countries within the region, thereby creating an incentive for the larger, international community to promote, support, and bolster economic activities and growth in said country. Within the field of international relations (IR), the efforts of governments, international organizations, and grassroots, non-governmental organizations in addressing development are the primary focus. However, the role of philanthropic organizations in promoting development and economic development abroad is less frequently examined. This thesis demonstrates how philanthropic activities can promote economic development and sustain international peace and security using Ghana and Nigeria as case studies. Philanthropy has an important role in promoting stability in international relations, albeit indirectly. When conducted as results-oriented, investment activities, it can improve the quality and quantity of economic opportunities available to citizens. Consequently, high levels of social discontent and unrest that often trigger protests, uprisings, and violence will decrease, thereby reducing the potential of conflict spillover into cross-border areas."



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